Build2Learn with a new Spin

Build2Learn is a community-led by volunteers from Chennai. After running monthly events for a year, we took a break most of 2019. Not just us but a bunch of community members missed our events. With the new normal of 2020, we thought of bringing the community back to life and had our first event on 5th December 2020.

During season 1, we get together on a Saturday morning and build together for 4 hours. People come with projects they want to build or technologies they want to learn from teams and work on them. The online format sitting on a 4-hour call would be painful; hence we came up with a new format.

The new format

  1. Every build2learn session is a month-long
  2. Every month we meet for an hour-long starter event.
  3. During the starter event
    • New Project owners propose projects. 
    • Existing project owners show their progress.
    • New members can join projects.
  4. After the hour of the call, people go off to build the project with their teams.
  5. Weekly check-ins
    • We will be posting three questions on Twitter to be answered by individual community members.
    • Project-specific check-ins will happen on slack.
  6. Demo session
    • End of the month, we get on another hour-long call.
    • People can demo or do lightning talks or what they learned.
    • During the presentation, they also share what they are planning to do next month.

The first starter call happened on the 5th of December. Curious to find out what happened? Click here.

Interested? Join our slack channel here.

One thought on “Build2Learn with a new Spin

  1. Pingback: Build2Learn – 5th Dec 2020 – build2learn

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