Simple projects to get your started

Want to start building but do not know where to start? Well, here’s a list of projects to get you started.

TV Show Tracker – Got a favorite show you don’t want to miss? Don’t have a PVR or want to be able to find the show to then PVR it later? Make an application which can search various online TV Guide sites, locate the shows/times/channels and add them to a database application. The database/website then can send you email reminders that a show is about to start and which channel it will be on.

Page Scraper – Create an application which connects to a site and pulls out all links, or images, and saves them to a list. Optional: Organize the indexed content and don’t allow duplicates. Have it put the results into an easily searchable index file.

Online White Board – Create an application which allows you to draw pictures, write notes and use various colors to flesh out ideas for projects. Optional: Add feature to invite friends to collaborate on a white board online.

Get Atomic Time from Internet Clock – This program will get the true atomic time from an atomic time clock on the Internet. Use any one of the atomic clocks returned by a simple Google search.

Fetch Current Weather – Get the current weather for a given zip/postal code. Optional: Try locating the user automatically.

Scheduled Auto Login and Action – Make an application which logs into a given site on a schedule and invokes a certain action and then logs out. This can be useful for checking web mail, posting regular content, or getting info for other applications and saving it to your computer.

E-Card Generator – Make a site that allows people to generate their own little e-cards and send them to other people. Do not use Flash. Use a picture library and perhaps insightful mottos or quotes.

CAPTCHA Maker – Ever see those images with letters a numbers when you signup for a service and then asks you to enter what you see? It keeps web bots from automatically signing up and spamming. Try creating one yourself for online forms.

Fortune Teller (Horoscope) – A program that checks your horoscope on various astrology sites and puts them together for you each day.

Site Checker with Time Scheduling – An application that attempts to connect to a website or server every so many minutes or a given time and check if it is up. If it is down, it will notify you by email or by posting a notice on screen.

PDF Generator – An application which can read in a text file, html file or some other file and generates a PDF file out of it. Great for a web based service where the user uploads the file and the program returns a PDF of the file.

Mind Mapper – Allow the user to put down ideas and quickly brainstorm how they are related into a mind map. The goal here is speed so let the user quickly write in an idea and drag it around in a visual map to show relationships.



Battleship – Create two game boards and let each player place a number of war ships. Each player can’t see the other person’s board. They then take turns firing at one another by guessing one of the board squares. If the square they guess contains part of a ship, it is a hit. Otherwise it is a miss. They sink a ship when all squares containing that particular ship have been uncovered. The player wins when all their opponents’ ships have been sunk.

Chess and Checkers – Simply put a game of chess or checkers. Try to make it playable online and if you can use a graphical user interface that can also undo or redo a step as well as keep a history of moves for replay.

Hangman – Randomly select a word from a file, have the user guess characters in the word. For each character they guess that is not in the word, have it draw another part of a man hanging in a noose. If the picture is completed before they guess all the characters, they lose.

Crossword Puzzle – Create a crossword puzzle which links words together on common letters. Provide a list of clues for each word and let the user enter fill in the words until the entire crossword is filled in.

Frogger – Get your frog across the river and lanes of traffic by either jumping on logs and lily pads rushing by at different speeds or avoid the automobiles which are also moving at various speeds. Based on the old arcade game..

Source: DreamCode

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